
[SMS KOREA] BTL Event Marketing planner,producer (신입)

[SMS KOREA] BTL Event Marketing planner,producer (신입)

근무지역 : 서울 강남
등록일 : 2019.09.18.
직종 : 기획직 / 마케팅,시장조사 / 광고,홍보

서울 강남구 테헤란로38길 5 5층 에스엠에스코리아 (역삼동, 스타팅빌딩)
SMS Event Marketing Service Korea Co., Ltd.

An enthusiastic and professional company that is dedicated to the presentation of creative ideas and executing them accordingly. Our team provides clients a competitive edge on three core values: Creativity, Service and Quality.
Founded in Taipei, Taiwan 2001 which has now 5 branches (Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Hong Kong, Seoul) in the Asia-Pacific region and South Korea. Through these branches we are able to service other major cities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, the Middles East, North America and Europe.
Business Scope: PR event, exhibition event, launch event, auto test drive event, promotion event, corporate conference and other MICE
Service Items: creative planning, production management, event execution and digital marketing.
Homepage: http://www.smsgroup.net

Job Description
– Plan, design and produce events while managing all project delivery elements
within time limits
– Liaise with clients to identify their needs and to ensure customer satisfaction
– Conduct market research, gather information and negotiate contracts prior to
closing any deals
– Provide feedback and periodic reports to stakeholders
– Propose ideas to improve provided services and event quality
– Organise facilities and manage all event’s details such as decor, catering,
entertainment, transportation, location, invitee list, special guests, equipment,
promotional material etc
– Specify staff requirements and coordinate their activities
– Cooperate with stakeholders and clinet to promote and publicize event
– Proactively handle any arising issues and troubleshoot any emerging problems on
the event day
– Conduct pre- and post – event evaluations and report on outcomes
– Research market, identify event opportunities and generate interest

Job Requirements
– University degree in marketing, branding, design management or other relevant
– Innovative and creative thinking for BTL event planning
– Proven event operation and management experience (BTL marketing,
advertisement planning and digital marketing experience will be a plus)
– Impressive portfolio of previously managed events

Job Requirements
– Excellent time management and communication skills
– Sales skills and ability to build productive business relationships (preferred)
– Strong communication skill with clients and vendors
– Ability to manage multiple projects independently
– MS Office proficiency
– English proficiency and other foreign language skill will be an asset (nice to have)

Additional Information
커리어수준 : 학생/신입
급여사항 : 면접 후 협의
고용형태 : 정규직
경력여부 : 신입

Guidelines for Applicants
전형방법 :1차 서류전형-2차 면접전형
제출서류 :한글이력서, 영문이력서, 한글자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)
접수방법 : 온라인 지원 이메일 : sammie.lin@smsgroup.net
마감일 : 2019.10.18.
채용담당 : Sammie

The Others
면접은 서류전형 합격자에 개별통지 합니다.
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