
[Bollore Logistics Korea] IT support (인턴 6개월 ~ 1년)

[Bollore Logistics Korea] IT support (인턴 6개월 ~ 1년)

Bollore Logistics Korea Co., Ltd. 외국계기업
서울 마포구 도화동 250-4 근신빌딩 제2신관 102호 207호
http://www.bollore.com http://www.bollore.com

대표자명 – 조윤주
기업형태 – 외국인투자, 주식회사, 법인사업체
업종 – 운송·운수·물류 사업내용 국제물류주선업
사원수 – 98명 정직원 (2019년 10월 기준)
설립일 – 1994년 11월 20일
회사주소 – 서울 마포구 도화동 250-4 근신빌딩 제2신관 1층 & 2층

볼로레로지스틱스코리아(주)는 1994년 창업이래 프랑스의 볼로레 그룹이 100% 투자한 해상,항공 운송회사로 한국 수출물동량의 운송순위 안에 속해있는 국제물류회사입니다. 앞으로 저희 볼로레로지스틱스코리아(주)는 전문 국제물류대행업체로의 발전을 위하여 임직원 모두 끊임없는 노력을 경주해 나갈 것입니다. 능력있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.

1994년 11월 100% 외국인 투가기업 오픈
1995년 10월 복합운송 주선업 라이센스 취득 이후 계속적인 성장으로
2003년 이후 항공수출 물동량의 운송 순위 상승
2012년 오산 물류센터 지점 등록
2016년 법인명 변경

Bollore Logistics acts as a Lead Logistics Provider and ensures a full control of supply chain operations.

Bollore Logistics is one of the 10 leading worldwide groups in transport organisation and logistics. With a presence on the five continents, (609 agencies in 107 countries and more than 12 500 employees).

Continuously adapting to the changing needs of its customers, Bollore Logistics has enhanced its know-how to be recognized as a leading supply chain global provider, ranked among the 10 leading global groups in the sector, including the first integrated logistics network in Africa.

Bollore Logistics has a network of 609 offices and logistics hubs at the crossroads of global interaction, in particular in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. Thanks to its perfect knowledge of the markets and its 24/7 mastery of the supply chain, Bollore Logistics designs tailor-made solutions for all high-tech sectors on a daily basis, including aerospace, luxury goods, pharmacies, and the mining industry.

Our mission is to support our customers as they grow by providing customised service that allows them to be more competitive on their markets.

Job Description

– Responsible for hardware setup, software installation and conduct IT training as users’ introduction to IT system
– Communicate to users to determine the nature of problems and the best approach for resolving the technical issues
– Assist re-managing hardware & software inventory items and maintain up to date
– To maintain and support of meeting rooms AV facilities and desktop computing systems
– Follow standard procedures for properly resolving support issues and to ensures ecurity of desktop and mobile devices
– Coordinate , escalate and work with various IT support teams or external IT suppliers , business owners, service managers across regions. Liaise with there solver until completion
– Communicateand escalate any business IT needs from the local team to regional/global team
– Helps upgrades/migrates systems software as needed to ensure secure, reliable and stable operation of end user computing environment
– Handle any equipment sourcing, procurement and maintenance as requested by the local country
– Provide relocation services on IT desktop equipment as required
– Monitor all desktop systems to detect error as early as possible
– Documentation on IT operation procedures
– Documentation on RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to understand user’s need and create automatic job patch
– Willing to understand user’s need and help user’s process automatically
– Willing to work closely with various department and understand whole company process

Job Requirements

– 컴퓨터/시스템공학
– 공학계열
– 해당직무 근무경험 : PC setup 경험 필수,
그 외, Directory, Network, Office 365, Outlook, Skype(상용), IT 보안 관련 경험 있으신 분
– 영어가능자 우대
– 인턴쉽 1년 (정규직 전환 검토)

Additional Information
커리어수준 : 학생/신입
급여사항 : 면접 후 협의
고용형태 : 인턴
경력여부 : 신입

Guidelines for Applicants
전형방법 :1차 서류전형-2차 면접전형
제출서류 :한글이력서, 영문이력서, 한글자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)
접수방법 : 온라인 지원
이메일 : kyounga.lee@bollore.com
마감일 : 2019.12.25.
채용담당 : 인사담당자 / +82-2-6719-9109/

The Others
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