
[Dell Technologies] Product Line Management

[Dell Technologies] Product Line Management

Dell Technologies 외국계기업
서울시 강남구 테헤란로152, 강남파이낸스센터 18층 (06236)
Dell Technologies는 고객의 의견을 귀담아들으며 고객으로부터 신뢰 및 높이 평가받을 수 있는 혁신 기술 및 서비스를 제공합니다.

Job Description

• Responsible for the execution/strategy of all content related to the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions portfolio
• Responsible for product and solution positioning and messaging platforms, upon which marketing programs and campaigns will be created
• Responsible for the development of assets/content to be used in marketing programs efforts
• Responsible for the development of customer use cases
• Responsible for the development of partner enablement tools/programs
• Responsible for competitive intelligence analysis
• Responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with key industry analysts working closely with Solutions Management
• Work in close collaboration with the sales teams to ensure that solutions are well positioned in the core industry vertical
• Development of sales enablement tools for sales training and support
• Establishing, tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for sub-set of Dell Telecom Solutions portfolio

Job Requirements

• Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Computer Science equivalent.
• Desired 1-2 years of solution marketing experience in B2B environments
• Must have superior communication and writing skills and must be a confident public speaker
• Must possess a unique blend of business and technical savvy plus marketing creativity
• Must be able to interface effectively and establish credibility with sales, engineering communities, field constituents, and C-level audiences

Additional Information
커리어수준 : 사원
급여사항 : 면접 후 협의
고용형태 : 정규직
경력여부 : 신입

Guidelines for Applicants
전형방법 :1차 서류전형-2차 면접전형
제출서류 : 한글이력서, 영문이력서
홈페이지 지원접수:
접수방법 : 온라인 지원

홈페이지 : https://dell.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Seoul-Republic-of-Korea/Product-Line-Management_R036076
마감일 : 2019.12.09.
채용담당 : 인사담당자 / +82-2-2194-6549/
이메일 : tinaheewon.lee@dell.com

The Others
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