
[프레쉬] 면세 VMD 담당 신입 Fresh DF VMD Assistant

[프레쉬] 면세 VMD 담당 신입 Fresh DF VMD Assistant

부루벨코리아(주) 외국계기업
서울 강남구 신사동 666-14 배강빌딩 5층
http://www.bluebellgroup.com/kr http://www.bluebellgroup.com

Bluebell Group is a distributor of luxury, premium, and lifestyle brands throughout Asia. Since 1954, our passion for all things luxurious, inspiring, and beautiful has helped establish some of the world’s leading brand names in Asia.
We have the most comprehensive distribution platform and network in Asia thanks to years of building trusted partnerships. Global partners trust us to manage complex distribution channels for their brand, targeting multiple cultures and market sectors, while local partners rely on us to curate and accelerate the inherent potential of our brands. Our ability to consistently deliver value is the gold standard that runs through the core of our company.

1960년 한국진출 이래 57여년간 Asia 시장 내 브랜드 정착을 위한 사업을 전개하고 있는 Bluebell Group의 한국지사인 저희 부루벨코리아㈜는 세계 유수의 명품과 라이프 스타일 브랜드의 에이전트이자 사업파트너로서 국내시장에서 성공적인 활동을 전개하고 있으며, 루이비통 면세, 크리스찬 디올 면세 등을 비롯한 Leather Goods, Fashion, Accessories, Perfumes & Cosmetics 부문 총 40여개의 브랜드를 보유, 면세 비지니스를 진행하고 있습니다.

Job Description
– Enhance Fresh counter image by merchandising in perfect Fresh look with VMD manager
– Reach the marketing & sales target by executing all soft merchandising
– Support online actions (esp. Visualization)


1. Counter merchandising
• Prepare, Propose and execute monthly soft merchandising campaign
• Make counter guideline to execute well by counter FAs
• Collect FA’s feedback and make report
• Execute counter soft merchandising in open and renovation under the guideline of VMD manager
• 3rd party VMD agent handling

2. VMD stock management
• Manage VMD material
• Follow up import of VMD props from Central merchandising: shopping bag, box etc.

3. VMD maintenance
• Collect maintenance request from counters and ask it to agent
• Collect FA’s feedback and report it to region / VMD & brand manager

4. Online support
• Upload monthly visual of brand main page
• Manage products in online (new products upload, packshot etc.)
• Other online visualization work and review design work of e-commerce team

5. Others
• Assist VMD in special event : beauty class, special training
• Brochure update and distribution
• Manage counter supplies

 Internally : Line manager, Brand Manager, counter managers
 Externally : Operators, Regional Team, local soft merchandising contractor

Job Requirements
 Knowledge
– Broad knowledge on luxury brand and retail circumstance(Cosmetic)
– Knowledge for merchandising and product

 Skills
– Proficiency in English
– Good skills in computer graphics (preferred) / Photoshop / illustrator

 Attitude
– Capable of working to strict deadlines under pressure
– Ability to effectively build good relationship with HQ & contractor & counter staff
– Ability to pay close attention to detail and be precise

 Education
– Bachelor’s degrees. Graphic or related field preferred
 Experience
– Relevant travel retail, cosmetic industry experience preferred

Additional Information
커리어수준 : 사원
급여사항 : 면접 후 협의
고용형태 : 정규직
경력여부 : 신입

Guidelines for Applicants
전형방법 :1차 서류전형-2차 면접전형
제출서류 :영문이력서(resume), 국문이력서/자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)
접수방법 : 온라인 지원, 이메일 : recruit.kr@bluebellgroup.com
마감일 : 2019.09.27.
채용담당 : 인사담당자 / +82-2-3444-2203

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